JAS is committed to providing a world-class education for students from kindergarten through grade twelve. JAS has curated a blend of internationally renowned curricula in a seamless system. Beginning with the lower elementary grades; ABEKA is used in primary school. After completing elementary grades, students transition to HMH from sixth through twelfth grades. Starting with the elementary levels JAS uses the ABEKA curriculum. It uses a proven comprehensive and rigorous approach to literacy and fluency at a native level. Along with the linguistic foundation, it instills strong academic fundamentals and child character development through storytelling and phonics.
Moving on to grades six through twelve, JAS transitions to Houghton Mifflin Harcourt curriculum (HMH) utilizing e-textbooks. HMH's educational resources are globally recognized for their excellence, making a challenging and enriching academic experience.
Students access these e-texts on iPads. JAS was the first school in the region to issue iPads to their students in 2010. Since 2010, JAS methodology and techniques have used an integrated hybrid classroom. Our teachers are trained to combine virtual and face-to-face teaching methods. JAS has brought HMH to its students to ensure that our students are immersed in dynamic and research-based education. This prepares them for higher education but also equips them with the technical and digital literacy skills and knowledge necessary to excel in an increasingly interconnected and competitive world. Languages
At JAS, languages are key to communication and understanding for academic success. JAS students are living in a diverse world that values peace and cooperation outside of the classroom. Therefore, all of our students study the Arabic and the Hebrew languages, starting with K5 (age five), starting with K3 (age three) all the way through to the twelfth grade.